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Creative Ways to Utilize Facebook Live Video for Business

Posted on September 11, 2017 in Social Media

Facebook’s release of Facebook live video has pretty much solidified the fact that live video is here to stay. People spend 3x longer watching live video opposed to video which is no longer live. With VR gaining headway in the market, we are likely going to see a large shift on the way people view content, just like we did when smartphones became mainstream. The question that brands should be asking is – How can we utilize live video to better promote our business?

Promoting Key Employees and Future Leaders

Attracting new talent in an ultra-competitive market is difficult enough, but retaining top talent is another challenge of itself. With brands making strides to improve empowerment within their organizations, there is a growing sense of urgency to place internal employees as a top-priority.

Facebook Live Video has given brands an opportunity to showcase and empower key personnel. Once a month, choose an employee that you would like to spotlight for the day. Allow them to demonstrate how they add value to your business, and give a Live feed of a normal day at the office. This approach gives you the opportunity to promote your brand to future possible employees, while empowering your current team.

Offer Live Online Video Training

Value added content is key for social media success. One way to add-value is to train your audience how-to do something. Obviously, these classes are going to vary based upon your product or service. Here are a few examples:

  • A hair salon can host a live training video to their audience that teaches them new ways to style their hair for the summer.
  • Web development companies can host WordPress training videos, demonstrating how to easily publish a blog on the platform.
  • Realtors can do live walk-throughs of a house they just recently staged, and point out tips on best-practices for staging your home for potential buyers.

Make sure you open the forum for your audience to ask questions, and respond!

Conduct Q&A Sessions

Q&A sessions translate much better live instead of a pre-recorded webinar, because it can’t be scripted. Sure – there is a possibility for mistakes under this scenario, but people thrive off of authenticity in a social setting.
These Q&A sessions can be a broad topic, or much more specific – this is up to you. Make sure the person you have promoting the Q&A session is an absolute expert on the subject matter.

Do you have other creative ideas or ways to promote business’s through the Facebook Live feature? We’d love to hear about them! Comment below or give us a call at (248) 579-9972.

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