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Why Every Industrial Company Needs a Modern Website Design

Posted on February 4, 2021 in Industrial & Manufacturing


iphone 12 with UHI screenshots

Many manufacturing and industrial companies struggle with understanding the importance of having a modernized website design. They do not always see how it directly translates into a return on investment for their business, especially manufacturers who may already have an established customer base of a few major OEMs that keep their business running steady.

However, in many cases, your website is much more than just a lead generation tool for new customers. Sure, at Drive, most times are working with clients who are looking for a direct way to track the return of investment on their web and marketing spend, yet this is not always the case.

So, what’s the big deal, then? Why does it matter if I have a modern website design? We’ve always done business the way we have, why would we ever change?

Having an antiquated website plants a seed of doubt in your company’s legitimacy at first glance, and I’m sure you can relate to this. When is the last time you were searching for a vendor and landed on a website that didn’t provide a good web experience and thought “Wow, this is great!”?

manufacturing company mobile website

Your website is a vessel to showcase what unique value your facility provides. It’s the first (and sometimes last) impression that people get of your brand. It’s how you tell your story, showcase why your customers should stay with you, why someone would hire you, or why an employee should come work for you. Words alone don’t do enough to tell this story; you need creative design and messaging to back this up and articulate your message in a visceral manner to get a positive response.

Think about the unique value you offer your customers and the benefits your employees gain by working for you vs. the competition.

Maybe your value add is a full-service design to prototype to production process that the EV market is dying for.

Maybe you promote a culture of loyalty and family that is generously rewarded by hard work and longevity, and that can be utilized to attract new premiere workforce talent.

Whatever this may be, look at your website and answer these questions, honestly.

  • Would I hire this company if this were the first and last impression that I was to receive of them?
  • Is this a company I would invest my career potential into?
  • Is it easy to understand the unique value they can provide to me and my manufacturing needs?

This article isn’t to pitch you on hiring us to design a new website. It’s much more to help you understand the value in taking responsibility for your online presence. I think with COVID-19, everyone has begun to understand more and more why this is so important and that many companies will continue working from a primarily digital standpoint long after the virus passes. The good news, it’s not too late to get started, you just have to get started somewhere.

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