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2020 Website Design Tips

Posted on April 1, 2020 in Website Design

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Websites have been around for a while now, but the way people are using them is always changing. Additionally, people are spending more and more time online every year and this trend doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon.

So if you’re thinking about redesigning your website in 2020, here are some tips and trends to consider before embarking on your digital journey.

ADA Compliance

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is cracking down on the accessibility of websites. In the first 6 months of 2018 alone, over 5,000 ADA lawsuits were filed for website violations (source: Los Angeles Times). The compliance of your website is based on your website’s accessibility and functions for people with disabilities. For example, creating content on your website that is known to cause seizures would be considered against the law and you could be served a lawsuit. You can learn about the full extent of the law here.

It is more important now than ever to not only understand the ADA compliance laws, but to take action and ensure your website is up to current ADA standards.

Dark Mode

Dark Mode is an increasingly popular trend in the online community. With screen time increasing, users are seeking a solution that allows them to continue browsing content while preserving their eyesight. In addition to this, dark mode can contribute to giving your website an ultra-sleek modern look and feel. Dark backgrounds actually tend to compliment other colors well, and when used properly can draw attention to content that you want your users to find.

Facebook itself is testing Dark Mode now in messenger and Facebook will likely follow suit. For more information, read more here.

Immersive 3D Elements

3D elements have always been a popular concept, but technology sometimes limits a brands’ accessibility to create them. With recent technological advances, it is becoming increasingly feasible to create beautiful interactive elements on our websites without needing a super-computer to do so.

These robust visual elements help drive your website user’s engagement and overall time spent on your website. Check out an awesome example of this at https://connect-homes.com/.

Minimalist Navigation

The days of having 834 pages in your website’s navigation are over. Brands are steering toward a minimalist approach, mostly offering only a few different options of pages to visit on their website navigation. This approach helps brands guide consumers on a simple path to find what they want instead of offering an overwhelming number of click-paths, which often leave end-users lost and confused.

If you want to learn more about the importance of website design, tune into our webinar on April 29th at 2 PM EST. We will be co-hosting along with Smart Finds Marketing. The topic is How to use Website Design to Increase Sales. You can register at the link here: https://smartfindsmarketing.com/news/creative-design-increases-sales-webinar/

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